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Name Year Fire Service Occasion Fire Service Designation Fire Service StateMin Fire Service Notification No Fire Service Name of the Medal Fire Service
Muthuramthevar Gajendran 2010 ID Divisional Officer Tamil Nadu No. 111-Pres2012 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Lingam Subramani 2010 ID Asstt. Divisional Officer Tamil Nadu No. 111-Pres2012 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Annamalai Subramani 2010 ID Asstt. Divisional Officer Tamil Nadu No. 111-Pres2012 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Rajappa Panneer Selvam 2010 ID Leading Fireman Tamil Nadu No. 111-Pres2012 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Kansivam Baskaran 2010 ID Leading Fireman Tamil Nadu No. 111-Pres2012 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Ramakrishnan Namasivaya Kumar 2010 ID Fireman Tamil Nadu No. 111-Pres2012 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Nataraj Moorthy 2010 ID Fireman Tamil Nadu No. 111-Pres2012 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Vidya Kant Mishra 2010 ID Leading Fireman Uttar Pradesh No. 112-Pres2012 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Ajay Kumar Chand 2011 RD Fireman Uttar Pradesh No. 33-Pers2011 Presidents Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Hari Lal Yadav 2011 RD Fireman Uttar Pradesh No. 33-Pers2011 Presidents Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
