Home Guards publicity/observation of annual day for Home Guards
Home Guards being a voluntary organization, its success depends on what support it gets from public. It is, therefore, necessary to generate and sustain public interest in the Home Guards organization by adequate publicity. The publicity measure may including holding of Home Guards exhibitions, demonstrations, screening of cinema slides, publication of news paper articles and advertisement etc. Outstanding deeds of public service performed by Home Guards should be published in the local papers and press cuttings relating to these praise-worthy activities of Home Guards are to be sent to Ministry of Home Affairs every month.
In order to keep the activities of this organization popular in the public eye, the States/UTs administration should celebrate Annual Day for Home Guards and Civil Defence every day in a befitting manner, suitable programme may be drawn up which will include ceremonial parade, cultural/educational functions highlighting the role of this organization.
The expenditure on the observance of Annual Day will be treated as authorized expenditure and would be poolable and shareable between the Central and State Government as usual.