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Name Year Fire Service Occasion Fire Service Designation Fire Service StateMin Fire Service Notification No Fire Service Name of the Medal Fire Service
Sh. Sundaramurthi Vijaysekar 2013 RD Dy. Director Tamil Nadu 24-Pres2013 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Sh. Velukonar Manivannan 2013 RD Divisional Officer Tamil Nadu 24-Pres2013 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Smt. Meenakshi Vijayakumar 2013 RD Divisional Officer Tamil Nadu 24-Pres2013 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Sh. Angamuthu Bhoopathy 2013 RD Fireman Tamil Nadu 24-Pres2013 Fire Service Medal for Gallantry
Rajinder Kumar Hak 2004 ID Dy. Director JK No.115-Pres2004 Presidents Fire Services Medal for Gallantry
Latief Ahmad Khan 2004 ID Dy. Director JK No.116-Pres2004 Presidents Fire Services Medal for Gallantry
Abdul Ganiwani 2004 ID Station Oficer JK No.117-Pres2004 Presidents Fire Services Medal for Gallantry
Mohd. Rafiq Khan 2004 ID Sub Officer JK No.118-Pres2004 Presidents Fire Services Medal for Gallantry
Rajan Krishnan Koodam kandi 2004 ID Driver Mechanic Kerala No.119-Pres2004 Fire Services Medal for Gallantry
Ajith Kumar Bhaskara pillai 2004 ID Fireman 4956 Kerala No.120-Pres2004 Fire Services Medal for Gallantry
