Civil Defence publicity/observation of annual day for Civil Defence.
Civil Defence Day is celebrated on 6th December every year to make aware of the citizens and highlight the importance of Civil Defence. The civil Defence provides protection to the civilian population during crisis. The civil Defence and Home Guards are the twin Voluntary organisations for the cause of defence to the nation. These organisations are based on the concept of safety of the common man.
Civil Defence being a voluntary Organisation. Its success depends on what gets from public. It is, therefore, necessary to generate and sustain public interest in the C.D. Organisation by adequate publicity by way of demonstration, Screening of cinema slides, advertisement brochure lectures through print and electronic Media etc.
In order to keep the activities of this organisation in the public gaze, the States/UT Administrations should celebrate Annual Day for Home Guards and Civil Defence on 6th December every year. In order to celebrate the Day in befitting manner suitable programmes may be drawn up. It will include cultural/educational functions in addition to demonstration in conjunction with the Home Guards Organisation.
The expenditure on the observance of Annual Day is an authorised expenditure and hence pool able and shareable between the Centre and State Governments.