Training plays an important role for human resource development in Civil Defence, Home Guards and Fire Services.-
Training in Civil Defence have been planned with 3 tier concept, i.e., at local level or town level, at State level and also at National level. There are at the moment 18 State Central Training Institutes operating in the country. National Civil Defence College, Nagpur a sub-ordinate training establishment of the Ministry, is the training institute for the training of the State trainers and also conducts some special and advance training courses.
Home Guards training is conducted at District Training Centres and also at State Central Training Institutes. Home Guards also undergo various Civil Defence/Disaster Management and Intervention courses at NCDC, Nagpur. At present total 187 DTCs are operating in various States/UTs along with 18 CTIs.
Fire ServiceTraining for lower level functionaries is conducted at State Fire Trg. Centres. At present, 14 such Training Centres are operating under various States/UTs and Central Ministries for catering the training requirement of their own. Recently, Government of India had identified 8 such training establishments out of total 14 as Regional Fire Training Centre for the training of operational Fire Service personnel of other States having no fire training facilities and also for training of Sub-Officers course for the age barred in service personnel, under the aegis at National Fire Service College, Nagpur.
For catering the training requirement of officers cadre of Fire Service, National Fire Service College (NFSC) was established at Nagpur in 1956 which conducts various certificate, diploma and advance diploma courses approved by AICTE for career development of fire professional. Since 1978, the college is also conducting a 4 years B.E (fire) Engineering course. Fire Service Training for lower level functionaries is conducted at State Fire Trg. Centres. At present, 10 such Training Centres are operating under various States/UTs and Central Ministries for catering the training requirement of their own and also for training of Sub-Officers course for the age barred in service personnel, under the aegis at National Fire Service College, Nagpur.
In addition, special collaborative courses are also conducted with various Military, Police and Civil Training establishments on Emergency Relief and allied subject, details of which are as under:-